
Topics in english about Lourdes
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Messages : 118
Enregistré le : 08 décembre 2009, 09:16
Localisation : Aveyron


Message par jeanlouis »

marmotte... are really our prayers heard ? so many requests for healing... so few answers... and so much suffering. Tonight I feel as weak, empty and useless as a cracked nutshell :cry:
Messages : 1147
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:01
Localisation : Partout.

Re: Intentions.

Message par marmotte »

Hey, my favourite dinosaurus! I am not responsible of the lack of English of people! Don't worry: I made the intention with a try of translation in the French prayers chain, so hopefully, members will have read your intention and started to pray especially for the case of this mother and the little child!

you're not useless. Our prayers are always heard by the Lord, but we, most of the time, can't see the result, even for us. Remember that the Lord's has an other way to make time and space. He has is own choosen time, which seems to be so long for us and unfair. Remember that we must be patient, very patient, and don't hesitate to ask Jesus, we'll be rewarded based mostly on the level of the ladder of faith we live or have lived... Most of the Saints had painful times, with lots of desillusions, but they kept trusting in God's power and "misericorde"...

This time also, you must try to feel good. You couldn't probably do more than publishing this intention, and pray for it. Where we are, we cannot do anything more than pray. You did your "job", and don't be sad if there's no reaction: most of intentions are written, and prayed in silence by the members, under Mary's eyes... Keep the Faith!
You've been already heard on the past; all my prayers event the most crazy ones but validated by Lord's will ( not always what I expected as any answer) have been also heard. It's a question of time , patience, and maybe a little something we can't control and discribe!

Weather is a lot on people's actual blues, but I wish you a shining sun going through the actual shadows and clouds.

Confiance et Paix. Victoire...

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Messages : 1147
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:01
Localisation : Partout.

Re: Intentions.

Message par marmotte »

I like nuts! :roll: :thumbup:
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Messages : 118
Enregistré le : 08 décembre 2009, 09:16
Localisation : Aveyron

Re: teatime

Message par jeanlouis »

My dear little rodent, I hope you know the "double entendre" of the word nuts ;) I was really down in the dumps yesterday.
I wish I had your faith... And a huge glass of whisky (a whole bottle ?) would do me more good than a cup of tea, in spite of the chosen title for this thread.
Will you say a little prayer for me ? I feel really bad. Not suicidal yet, but very, very, very tired... And I find it hard to pray now, given the results.
To you my brotherly love - for all it is worth...
Messages : 1147
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:01
Localisation : Partout.

Re: teatime

Message par marmotte »

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I am bleeching...

By the way, yes, I know the double meaning of nuts, and I like both ways!

You seem very very tired, but you have enough energy to ask for a drink.

First, I forbid you to drink alone, especially alcohol ( jamais su ecrire ce mot!!!!!!!!!), and never a whole bottle: you would stay sad, more tired, and deeply sick even if you like sailing ( it's one of the symptoms) . Sorry to tell you that dinosaurus over 30 don't "keep" drinks good, or at least there is absolutely no more the feeling of transgression of the silly age...

BUT, I can invite you for the desert tonight: strawberries in a cup, with or without vanilla ice cream ( not a lot) and a "couillette" of whysky on top ( not du Laph... which is too smoked for this desert, but a scottish clear standart one). It's a pleasure to prepare it , to share it, and even if you're alone, it's ok. If no ice cream, forget the ice, and keep fruits and the "couillette" dose. NO MORE!!!

But the best for anyone in distress anyway is a warm mugg of hot milk, that you have prepared yourself ( for you and other people: tip: you put exactly the good dose of milk by fulling mugg with the fresh milk, in a casserole ( there is a reason why): then you are obliged to stay near the casserole because the milk mustn't boil and the casserole not be burnt. So keep watching!
A little more difficult ( for males): the same milk and disposition, but you put some cacao powder in the cool milk and you must keep and mix it with a spoon or a "visp"( name of the hand mixer i have)). When the boiling begins, it's time to full the mugg(s), and go with it/them to sit on the couch, with a filt on your legs , a little back light. Then you can read any book.

I have two types and mostly both to bring me up when the desert of Faith comes along: I read the "Magnificat" ( ou "prions en église") and force myself to read everything of the day( even morning long psalms) and mostly understand every word. It is sometimes tough especially when life seems down and emptiness we imagine of our Faith. At least I read mass of the day, and try to meditate, or understand the words. And I keep reading again and again if I don't feel the words or when I see only phrases but no sense.
Most of the time I abandonn this daily reading by lazyness or despair, I feel I have to force myself , and after 3 or 4 days, event if life is still sad, I feel better. These readings are worth it. You have eaten God's words and prayed while you thought you're reading a dictionnary could be the same... No, He hears you through the texts and He answers... Even if it's four in the morning, and my eyes are strongly locking the brain, I force myself to read at least the Gospel of the day, with a sign of Cross, then the light off, I begin a rosary and hardly go further than the Credo that i keep trying to pray, because it's mixed with beginning dreams or with the Pater, which itself mixed with Ave Maria. :roll:
Just try once a week long. You'll feel better even if the day was bad to you.
When not tired enough, I then take one of the opus "Brèves de comptoir" or Funny stories, or books you can read randomly any page. Never a roman, because you might be kept awaken. When you feel you're going to sleep, close the book.
These were some of my tips...

A challenge to change your mind: how do we know, when we find a dinosaurus egg ( of course everyday at least in every back yard!),if it comes from a vegetarian dino-mum, or carnivore mum dino? Sorry, there is no fun on the answer, but it is something new to learn... And don't then ask me why, I am still looking for that part of the story...

Now, you have to take time for you. Sleep if possible. A small sign of Cross can be enough. And let people pray for you. You're not lost. The main road is not far but is not the easiest one.
I have to get to bed now.
Keep what you can of your faith. It's still there even if you don't feel happy. Life is not a dayly happyness...
Try the week's readings. And try to talk to Jesus or Mary , just like you would do with friends; it can be short, you can ask for anything. Ask your gardian angel too. We forget him too often.

keep the trust in God. It 's worth it. Most than anything. We are allowed to be weak sometimes, even for a long time, even for me. Jesus knows we'll come back now or later.

Confiance, confiance, confiance! Vois! Catherine a répondu en nous rappelant cette phrase que nous avions laissée de côté: en union de prière! ( merci catherine!!!).

I have to let you , because I should have been seepling since a while ( not a whale!!! :P ) and I am still writing while waiting the kitchen to be empty from people. My turn should come soon!

Take care!


Mention légale: L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes.
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Enregistré le : 04 décembre 2009, 15:51
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Re: teatime

Message par Heidi »

not only a small sign of Cross !!!!

Marie a montré à Bernadette comment faire le Signe de la Croix....
avec la croix de son chapelet, de préférence (ou juste avec ses doigts, sinon)
bien, de son front à son ventre; de l'épaule gauche à l'épaule droite
comme si on s'habillait du manteau de Marie
comme quand on demande à Marie de nous prendre sous son manteau bleu
ET en disant...

"au Nom du Père, et du Fils, et du Saint-Esprit... amen"

comme tous les jeudis soirs... la messe est suivie de l'adoration
Messages : 53
Enregistré le : 31 janvier 2010, 14:43

Re: teatime

Message par Marilyn »

Good morning all,

I hope that all are keeping fine, its been some time since I've written something, I have been so busy these past few months, what with work and above all we have been redecorating our home, so I had little time to use the computer.

To Jean Louis, I hope he is better, Our Lord does hear our prayers, I understand perfectly well that sometimes one is prone to loose faith due to all the sufferings one has to endure, I thank God that I have a strong faith and pray to the Virgin Mary that I remain so, its my faith that has seen me through to all the sufferings, I.m no saint but I try to live my life as best as I can when possible. if its of any consolation to you Jean, last week exactly on Friday 13th August at 3pm, while my home town was preparing for the feast of the Assumption, one of the fireworks factories exploded and a dear childhood neighbour and friend (a 40 year old) lost his life. Our town is still in mourning, I cannot imagine what his dear mother and family are going through, the whole tragedy still brings a lot of tears to my eyes, and like you Jean, I did wonder why God permitted all this, he was such a good young man, but he is gone, am sure that he is in a better place, next to God and our Blessed Virgin.

Jean, please don't drink just because you are very sad, like marmotte told you, it will only make you sick and guilty that you succumbed to your distress, I will pray for you, and offer the mass that I will be hearing tonight to you.

Courage and pray pray pray above all pray daily that you will not loose faith.

good day all and God Bless you all
Messages : 840
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:51
Localisation : Canada

Re: teatime

Message par Rachel »

Hi Marilyn
it's great to hear from you.
Messages : 53
Enregistré le : 31 janvier 2010, 14:43

Re: teatime

Message par Marilyn »

Hello Rachel how are things with you? God Bless you always
Messages : 840
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:51
Localisation : Canada

Re: teatime

Message par Rachel »

Not so bad, still living in Canada. And still missing Europe and my family..

Have a nice day.
Messages : 53
Enregistré le : 31 janvier 2010, 14:43

Re: teatime

Message par Marilyn »

Its snowing in Lourdes, am watching the rosary in Italian on TV
Messages : 840
Enregistré le : 07 décembre 2009, 23:51
Localisation : Canada

Re: teatime

Message par Rachel »

Christmas time is coming...